Name of signed document: Vítejte na |

Document code: UKGSAFMFFY

Identification: Blok na všech stránkách


Signature time: April 17, 2018 at 5:57:21 PM GMT+1

Signer ID: 1
The signature belongs to the user: Pavel Strejček
Domain of the confirmed email address: <>

Verification statistics

Block part UKGSAFMFFY (Shrnutí v patičce) with the code UKGSAFMFFY: total 415 verifications, of which 415 valid and 0 invalid
Block part UKGSAFMFFY without HTML (Shrnutí v patičce) with the code UKGSAFMFFY: total 415 verifications, of which 415 valid and 0 invalid

Verification timeBlockNumber of charactersSourceReferrerSignature validity
Block nameBlock code
Jun 2, 2021, 2:16:02 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY230Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
Jun 2, 2021, 2:16:02 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY without HTML183Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
May 25, 2021, 2:16:03 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY230Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
May 25, 2021, 2:16:03 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY without HTML183Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
May 17, 2021, 12:40:24 PMpart UKGSAFMFFY230Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
May 17, 2021, 12:40:24 PMpart UKGSAFMFFY without HTML183Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
May 17, 2021, 11:27:28 AMpart UKGSAFMFFY230Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
May 17, 2021, 11:27:28 AMpart UKGSAFMFFY without HTML183Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
May 15, 2021, 2:16:03 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY230Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
May 15, 2021, 2:16:03 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY without HTML183Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
May 7, 2021, 2:16:04 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY230Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
May 7, 2021, 2:16:04 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY without HTML183Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
Apr 30, 2021, 2:16:02 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY230Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
Apr 30, 2021, 2:16:02 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY without HTML183Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
Apr 22, 2021, 2:16:03 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY230Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
Apr 22, 2021, 2:16:03 AM
part UKGSAFMFFY without HTML183Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
Apr 14, 2021, 7:49:14 AMpart UKGSAFMFFY230Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
Apr 14, 2021, 7:49:14 AMpart UKGSAFMFFY without HTML183Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
Apr 9, 2021, 6:24:02 AMpart UKGSAFMFFY230Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY
Apr 9, 2021, 6:24:02 AMpart UKGSAFMFFY without HTML183Internetnot detectedMATCH
Shrnutí v patičceUKGSAFMFFY